How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ. Ephesians 1:3 NLT
Inheritances aren’t always what we envision.
My aunt had inherited most of the belongings from my maternal
grandmother’s house when she died. When my aunt died, Mom hoped to get some of
the family heirlooms back. But it didn’t happen as she wished. My aunt had
three children. What she had was rightfully theirs. If they chose to share, we
would appreciate it.
Several pieces of furniture that had belonged to my
grandmother were especially dear to Mom. Mom voiced her love for them, but my
aunt held on. All Mom received was a China cabinet she had purchased before she
and Dad married—one she asked my aunt to keep while she and Dad were overseas—a
picture my aunt had painted of the old homeplace, and two end tables and a
coffee table that matched my grandmother’s living room suit that Mom had
inherited earlier.
I come from a middle-class family and have no monetary or
other inheritance in the waiting. But I do have another type of inheritance
that surpasses anything I could get from a deceased family member.
Paul praised God for his spiritual inheritance—one available
to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. This inheritance is eternal. When I
placed my faith in Jesus Christ and asked him to forgive my sins, he
immediately began preparing a heavenly home for me. Nothing can change that.
Earthly inheritances, we can spend. Even if we invest them,
we must leave them behind at some point for someone else to enjoy. But our
eternal inheritance is secure. God won’t change his mind and take it from
us—even when we misbehave.
Our inheritance is also a present reality. We don’t have to
wait until we die or Jesus returns to get it. Presently, God adopts us into his
family. While some adopted children aren’t treated equally with biological
children, God treats all his children the same. He grants forgiveness for every
sin and never takes this back. Nor does he show favoritism. Instead, he loves
all his children equally and gives us the same things he gives to his Son.
Abundant living—existing with peace and joy—also accompanies
our inheritance. Because of what Jesus has done for us presently and promises
to do for us in the future, we can enjoy life for the very first time.
Make sure you enjoy God’s present inheritance.
Father, thank you for the eternal inheritance I have in Jesus
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