Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Connecting to the Creator - Martin Wiles

It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit. Revelation 1:10 NLT

I’ve done it all my life—whether I wanted to or not.

Going to church was never an option. Dad was a preacher, and PK’s went to church … often. Our particular church tradition held services three times weekly, in addition to special activities on other days. I had to attend each one.

After moving out, I had the option of going, but still went. When my parents made me go, I sometimes didn’t want to. But when I could stay home, I rarely did.

Worship is what the apostle John did on the Lord’s Day. As he did, God spoke to him and told him to write things that would happen in the future. Things God’s people needed to hear and respond to.

Beyond everything else, worship concerns giving God the glory and praise He deserves. He is our creator and deliverer, and we should celebrate that through worship. But worship involves us also. We have needs that require attention and decisions that demand God’s direction. Through listening to God’s still small voice in the worship experience, both happen.

Make it a point to worship God regularly.

Prayer: Master of Heaven, we worship You with our hearts and souls.

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1 comment:

  1. Connecting with the Creator is a wonderful blessing in every moment. From waking in the morning and thanking Him for the day to chatting with Him during the daily activities to thanking Him for His love and mercy, I love connecting with Him. I love to look for His messages in everyday moments. :-)
