Friday, December 13, 2024

Bears or Gators? Believer or Non-Believer? - Melissa Henderson

bears of gators? believer or non-believer?
So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:21 NIV 

“What do you mean there are gators in the neighborhood?” 

Moving from central Virginia to South Carolina's Lowcountry brought new adventures. Learning about alligators, blue skinks, armadillos, and other creatures led to excitement but also a bit of worry. One of the most interesting parts of living in a new state was adapting to the weather and different animals. Would we prefer the bears of Virginia or the gators of the South?

As my husband and I became accustomed to the humidity and scorching heat of the Deep South, we began referring to ourselves as “South Carolinians.” We laughed as we noticed folks wearing long-sleeved shirts and coats when temperatures reached sixty degrees in the Lowcountry. In Virginia, that temperature was great for wearing summer clothes. Our bodies soon acclimated to the climate, and we found ourselves dressing like the locals.

We settled into our new community and learned that alligators were a part of everyday life. Neighbors warned us, “Stay away from the gators, and they will leave you alone.” We didn’t have to be told twice about that. In the mountains of Virginia, bears could be seen crossing highways and looking for food at campgrounds.

In every state we have visited or lived in, we learned about animals. Just as there are bears and gators, there are believers and non-believers of God’s Word. Seeing the bears and gators proves they exist. Reading and studying the Bible deepens our relationship with God. Our hope and trust are found in him.

Although we don’t physically see God yet, as we do animals, we can still know He is real. He is the Creator. His love extends to all His creations. Yes, we believe he exists and will fulfill his promises.

Determine to find comfort in God's promises.

Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages, sometimes humming them with humor. Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. She is a contributor to many publications. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, Bookbub, Youtube, Linkedin, and at

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  1. Good morning, Melissa. I laughed when you described the weather. Sixty degrees is cold to me. LOL. Thank you for steering me to creation. It is a great reminder of how God cares for His people. Lovely post.

    1. Amazing how we adjust to weather. Have a wonderful day and enjoy His creations. :-)

  2. Amen. He is real even when we don’t see Him. Thanks Melissa

  3. Amen Melissa. Thanks

  4. God has revealed Himself to us through creation, His Word, His Son, and His Spirit. I pray more people will see His glory and love and receive the gift of salvation in Christ. God bless you!

    1. Yes. I pray more people will see His glory and love and receive His gift of salvation in Christ. Amen. Have a blessed day! :-)

  5. Great analogy, Melissa. Bears and gators would worry me. :-) Love this, "Reading and studying the Bible deepens our relationship with God. Our hope and trust are found in him."

  6. So good! We can count on God's promises. They are REAL and such an act of love from our creator.
