Friday, October 27, 2023

Hide and Seek - Karen Huffaker

hide and seek
You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 CSB

Children love to play Hide and Seek.

They run and giggle as they hide from each other. Big kids compete to find various hidden items on scavenger hunts for hours of entertainment. Their teams search around town with maps and clues, seeking pre-hidden items. The first team to complete following the directions and gathering treasures is declared the winner.

Sometimes, we feel as if God hides from us, and searching for Him is no fun at all. It’s almost always a serious matter. We desperately seek Him for help, guidance, or answers. We wait anxiously for Him to appear, fix our problems, or perform miracles. We want Him to restore impossible situations, provide for our needs, heal someone physically, mentally, or emotionally, or mend broken things and hearts.

While facing many troubles, David asked God not to hide from his pleading. The king was fearful and overwhelmed and sought the Lord to sustain him.

God never hides from us because He is already with us. The search is over. He promises we will find Him when we search for Him with all our hearts.

I find great comfort and peace in God’s promise. Since He is with me, He already knows my burdens and concerns. I can hand them off to the Lord to resolve rather than try alone.

When I place my burdens in God’s capable hands, my trust in Him increases, and I am helped. God’s answers make sense. The way He works out all things for good always amazes me. God’s will is for the best because of His great love for me. I find the rest and peace I long for rather than anxiety. I am declared the winner.

Rather than searching, how can you realize God is already with you?

Tweetable: Do you feel as if you must search for God? 

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