Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Anger: 12 Things You Should Know Part 3 - Martin Wiles

Anger: 12 Things You Should Know Part 3
Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back. Proverbs 29:11 NLT

He invited him into his office. His betrayer.  

Her confession came in the quietness of their bedroom. “I’ve betrayed you.” “Only once,” she said, but it had been more. Shock was Jerry’s first emotion. How could she? He was a well-known figure in their small town. Now, everyone would know his wife had been unfaithful. The church would call for his resignation, his profession would be scarred, and his family would have to move.

As Jerry pondered the future, another emotion bubbled: anger. What would he tell the kids? How would he break the news to their parents? What would he say to the person she confessed unfaithfulness with? He was a good friend and church member. After a cooling down period, Jerry chose to forgive him. Uncontrolled anger could have steered him in a different direction.

Anger can be a confusing emotion that propels us in different directions—some unhealthy. Knowing some facts helps deal with it healthily.

Fact 7: Anger affects relationships with God and others. Jerry’s relationship with a good friend was destroyed. Though he forgave, he couldn’t continue their friendship. They both moved on, and so did the betrayer.

Anger often leads to sinful actions. When we regard sin in our hearts, it affects our relationship with God. We can't hear Him clearly when we’re boiling over with anger. We’ll miss opportunities He sends our way.

Fact 8: Anger drives others away. I’ve known a few people in my lifetime who were angry continuously. One was a man I worked with after high school. Life had delivered some disappointing blows. Back surgery at an early age left him walking with a cane and unable to lift heavy items. Low paying jobs, financial struggles, and borrowing from one source to pay another were his norm. Although I remained his friend, many others avoided him because of his bitter spirit.

Fact 9: Anger leads to unwise decisions. The most unwise decision Jerry could have made would have been bodily harm to his wife and her conspirator. Had he let anger seethe in his gut, many other unwise decisions would have followed. Understanding God’s forgiveness of our offenses led Jerry to forgive and helped him avoid dangerous decisions.

When situations arise that anger you, ask God for wisdom to process the anger in healthy ways.

Father, enable me to handle my anger in ways that demonstrate Your love and forgiveness. 

Tweetable: How are you processing your anger? 

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