Friday, August 18, 2023

Hurry for the Right Reason - Martin Wiles

hurry for the right reason
But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” Luke 10:40 NLT


She never sat until everyone had finished.


My grandmother was a great cook who enjoyed cooking. If she didn’t, she sure wasted a great deal of time three times each day and seven days each week. Early each morning, she cooked a breakfast consisting of grits, eggs, toast, and either country ham, sausage, or bacon.


When she finished cleaning the dishes from breakfast, she started on lunch, or dinner, as she called it. Dinner usually came around eleven in the morning since she wanted to head to the Santee River to do a little fishing.


After she returned from fishing, she started on supper. Almost everything she cooked, she fried—and fried crunchy. Since my grandfather was a farmer—and all the men in the family were hunters—we often ate pork and all manner of wild game.


But one thing my grandmother never did was sit while others ate. While we ate, she stood, served, and then began washing the dishes. When our tea glasses needed refilling, she filled them. When we needed another helping of something—something she always enjoyed seeing us need—she dipped it. She wanted to see empty pots and plates at the end of every meal.


Finally, when everyone else had finished, she sat at the table alone and ate her meal. Why she did this, I don’t know—and I never asked. Perhaps, she learned it from her mother. One thing’s for sure, she passed it down to Mom, who did the same thing until she stopped cooking due to age-related difficulties.


My grandmother appears to have copied another great woman: Martha. Along with Mary and Lazarus, the three siblings were good friends of Jesus. He often ate at their house. Martha was the busy type—preparing the meal and wanting everything just right. On the other hand, Mary chose to sit and talk with Jesus, which drew Martha’s ire. When she complained to Jesus about her sister, Jesus said Mary had chosen a better thing.


Mary and Martha evidently had different personalities, which caused them to do different things and react in contrasting manners in various circumstances. And that’s how God has created us. Martha’s gift was serving; Mary’s wasn’t. But it wasn’t Martha’s place to show jealousy over her sister’s actions or fuss about her supposed laziness.


Happiness doesn’t come from merely being busy. Busyness can distract and lead to anger, bitterness, jealousy, and even burnout. But being in a hurry while doing the right thing leads to happiness and fulfillment. Finding our niche—and using our gift—is what God wants. That’s why Jesus didn’t tell Mary to get up and help her sister.


If you’re running around in circles, feeling as if you are accomplishing nothing, ask God to help you find your sweet spot. Then do it—and don’t worry about what others are doing.


Father, show me what You want me to do so I can enjoy life to the fullest. 

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