Monday, August 16, 2021

Meandering Monday - Running from Problems - Martin Wiles

Welcome to Meandering Monday, where we take a trip back to an earlier post and enjoy it again.

Elijah was afraid and fled for his life…There he came to a cave, where he spent the night. I Kings 19:3, 9 NLT

Jack was a runner…but not for exercise.

Jack ran from problems—or more accurately addictions. Nor were his addictions chemical. They were sexual. Though he was a happily married man, he had a habit of having affairs. His first was during his military career and with his best friend’s wife. His wife forgave him, but they changed locations by moving across the country. Moving didn’t solve his dilemma. Before long, he had suckered another innocent married woman into his deceptive web. When his wife discovered this affair, they moved back across the country.

Elijah was also a runner. When the wicked queen placed a death threat on his head for killing some of her pagan prophets, he ran for his life. His final destination was a cave. Here, God brought him face to face with his problems: unfounded fear and lack of trust.

Running from problems never leaves them behind; it just puts us in a different location. A better option is examining and admitting why I’m in the predicament. Like Elijah, I have to answer the question, “Why are you here?” Is it fear, lack of trust, a rebellious spirit, or unconfessed and willful sin?

Until I admit my problem, I’ll remain in the cave. Rather than running from my problems, I should run to them by facing them and securing the help I need. The help may come in the form of confession, a Christian counselor, or an accountability partner.

Instead of facing his problem, Elijah threw a pity party. He thought he was the only one left following God when there were actually thousands more. Wallowing in self-pity or seeking sympathy from others won’t cure our problems. God gave Elijah a few tasks to complete that would take his eyes off himself and focus them on others. In the end, his running ceased when he began depending on God for success.

Are you running from your problems or running to God for help?

Prayer: Eternal and all-powerful God, remind us You are larger than any problem we may face. 

Tweetable: Are you running from your problems? 

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