Friday, January 8, 2021

Flashback Friday - Hope from a Duck - Martin Wiles

Hope from a Duck

My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. Psalm 57:6 NLT

A victim of unfaithfulness, she now pondered her next step. Life had turned sour. Her marriage had disintegrated. Depression and despair had set in. She wondered how or if she could keep going. One day, the darkness was greater than others. She placed a gun in her handbag, drove to a nearby park, sat on a picnic table, and prayed. Her request was simple. She wanted one good reason to stick around. If she didn’t hear one, she would end her life. God’s answer came in a much-unexpected way. Hearing a noise, she opened her eyes to see a mother duck with three small ducklings tagging along. She knew it was God’s answer. She had children as well. To take her life would scar them forever. God knew the innocence of a mother duck would grab her attention and change her mind. Read more...

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