Monday, April 13, 2020

God, Not Google - Martin Wiles

The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Psalm 84:11 NLT

Perhaps when she purchased it, my wife thought this little device would give her anything she wanted. She was wrong.

During Christmas of 2018, Google Home was one of the hottest items on the market. Along with several other similar devices, it purported to be just what everyone needed in their home. Need music? It could play it. Want to hear a particular song? Just ask. 

Need a grocery list? Tell it what you want to put on it. Need information on a particular subject? Ask. Want to play a game? It has some available. The device resembled having a Google search page at your fingertips … well, at your voice.

But Google Home won’t deliver everything. Just for fun, I asked a few questions. Such as did she believe in God. She told me that was a complicated matter. Then I asked if she’d marry me. She told me she was better at assisting. What about giving me a million dollars? She couldn’t send money. I didn’t have her connected to my bank account. When I asked if she wanted to go outside, she said she’d rather stay in. I finally asked if she believed in the Bible to which she answered she was better at searching than theology.

The psalmist proclaimed God would not withhold any good thing from those who do right. But he certainly didn’t have everything he wanted. And I don’t have everything I want. 

God never reveals Himself as a genie in the sky who doles out any and everything we might ask for. He gives what we need—and often much beyond. But He does place limits, and He does have guidelines.

Although God won’t give me just anything I want—as Google Home wouldn’t either—He does provide what I need to do His will and accomplish His plan for my life. Comforting. He also gives what will make me more like Him.

What God gives to accomplish this often entails periods of brokenness, confusion, and disappointment. Nothing teaches quite like brokenness does. It leads me to obedience and gut trust when I have nowhere else to turn.

God is a good and loving God and will always give us just what we need, even though it may not seem so at the present.

Trust every situation in life to God, not Google—or anything else.

Prayer: Father, we believe You will give us what we need to accomplish Your plan for us.

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