But God said to him, “You fool! You will
die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?” Luke
12:20 NLT
I wondered how a
house in this neighborhood could attract bats.
We were on a
four-day camping trip with a couple from church, but the vacation doubled as a work
trip. The man was a wildlife wrangler—in this case, a bat wrangler. He had
recently traveled to Sapphire, NC, to rid a house of a bat colony. During our
trip, he planned to return to the house and see if all the bats had left and if
his trap had worked.
We turned into
the subdivision—a gated community. Our friend punched in the code, and the gate
opened. We drove up winding roads with steep driveways until we reached the
number he looked for.
The houses
astounded me. Three-story mansions with manicured yards comprised of nothing
but flowers and rocks. No grass. Porches gazing out over the mountains.
Million-dollar homes nestled everywhere in this mountain community. I helped my
friend with the job. Sure enough, the bats were gone, and he washed their
droppings off the back porch. Then it hit me: even expensive homes get bats.
Jesus told a
story about a rich man who discovered something about his wealth, too. His
crops produced abundantly. So much so that he had to build larger barns. After
storing his crops, he planned to sit back and enjoy life. But God told him his
life would end. Possessions couldn’t keep death away just as a million-dollar
home couldn’t prevent bats.
Everything is
temporary. In our age of technology, this truth is even clearer. Few things are
made to last any length of time. We live in a throw-away society. Cheap prices,
and when it tears up or breaks down, throw it away.
Just as sin affects
our spirits, so it does everything in the world. Creation groans to be set free
from it, just as we believers long for the day when we’ll be freed from the
influences of sin. Sin corrodes … destroys … disappoints.
The house needed
a screen and caulking to keep the colony of bats from returning. We need
special clothing to deal with the effects of sin. The Bible calls it Christ’s
righteousness. And we get it by confessing and repenting of our sin and
committing ourselves to follow Christ as our Lord and Savior. Then, no matter
how our house—or anything else—looks, God will protect our souls from eternal
Let God rid your
life of the bats—and anything else—that keeps you from Him.
Prayer: Father,
we invite You into our lives, knowing our relationship with You is the only
thing that will last.

Amen. Let God rid life of anything keeping us away from Him. :-)