Saturday, November 16, 2019

Staying Focused - Martin Wiles

Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.” John 21:21-22 NLT

Although he tries his best, maintaining it tests him.

Focusing is challenging for our oldest grandson. He’s high strung and carries a Type A personality. A combination that opposes his concentration. As I taught him phonics in preparation for his first year at school, he struggled.

Several things had to happen for him to focus. I had to eliminate all distractions. His brother couldn’t be nearby, the television had to be off, other electronics couldn’t be playing, and I had to promise him a reward. The reward involved playing a word game on my computer.

So we established a daily routine. I’d write the new words on paper, he would learn to sound them out and then sound them together, and then he’d write them. As a reward, we’d use a game on the computer that made flashcards, sounds, typing exercises, and matching with the words he’d learned. Knowing this was coming at the end of our session helped him focus on the parts of our session he didn’t particularly care for.

Staying focused isn’t always only a childhood challenge. Peter was an adult, and he had trouble focusing … on what God wanted him to do. He wanted to focus on what Jesus had in mind for John. Jesus in so many words told him to mind his own business. Stay focused. He eventually did, and God used him in miraculous ways as an early leader of the church.

God gifts all of His children and matches our gifts to the unique personalities He implants in us. How He will use my grandson’s, I have no clue, but if my grandson chooses to follow God we’ll find out soon enough. Even those with the same personalities God uses in various ways.

God matches our personality to His plan for us. And He has a plan. He has something in mind for each of us to do. That’s where we should direct our focus. Others may make suggestions—and we may have our own ideas—but finding God’s plan is most important.

When we stay focused on God’s plan for us—as Jesus told Peter to do—we’ll experience joy and peace as we never have before. Focusing on what the Creator created us to do always makes life enjoyable.

Discover God’s plan for you, and enjoy life to its fullest.

Prayer: Father, show us Your plan, and help us stay focused on accomplishing it. 

Tweetable: Do you have trouble focusing?

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