Loving My Enemies
Shortly after meeting, he became my best friend, but within five years he was my sworn enemy.
*Charles was an older gentleman I once knew. We hit it off immediately. I was the type of pastor he liked. But as time progressed, I noticed his attitude toward me cooling. I was making decisions he didn’t appreciate and suggesting the church move in directions he was uncomfortable with. The nail that sealed the coffin on our friendship was when the board made a decision he thought was directed at his integrity in a position he held. He thought I was the initiator even though I tried to convince him otherwise. Our friendship was over. He berated me in private and ignored me in public. And even though I attempted apologies, he refused them. Read more...
*Charles was an older gentleman I once knew. We hit it off immediately. I was the type of pastor he liked. But as time progressed, I noticed his attitude toward me cooling. I was making decisions he didn’t appreciate and suggesting the church move in directions he was uncomfortable with. The nail that sealed the coffin on our friendship was when the board made a decision he thought was directed at his integrity in a position he held. He thought I was the initiator even though I tried to convince him otherwise. Our friendship was over. He berated me in private and ignored me in public. And even though I attempted apologies, he refused them. Read more...
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