Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Power of One - Martin Wiles

God replied to Moses, “I am who i am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14 NLT
Who knew one CD could change the entire service.
Our music leader was off for the day. My wife had spent hours putting music together, meeting with the sound technicians, and practicing with the praise team. Sunday morning arrived, and we were excited about the service—until the CD with all the music they were going to sing by wasn’t in the case.
Since it was three minutes before services were to begin, my wife’s mind went into shock. She had obviously left the CD in her laptop—which was at home 10 miles away. Getting it wasn’t an option. In a three minutes span, she and the sound techs dug up a few praise songs, and the pianist suggested a couple of hymns.
Although the service got off to a rocky start—the praise team hadn’t practiced the songs and my wife’s voice cracked because of seasonal crud—the Spirit of God soon took over and fixed what appeared to be broken. The power of one CD had been trumped by the power of Someone more powerful.
Moses experienced the power of One when God instructed him to go before a foreign king and tell him I AM has sent him to deliver his people from 400 years of slavery.
The power of one can be devastating, disturbing, and mind-boggling. One statement from a doctor, “You have cancer.” One call from the boss, “I need to see you in the office immediately.” One text from a girlfriend or boyfriend, “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” One call from the police, “Your son has been in a bad accident.” One visit from the military chaplain and an officer, “We’re sorry to inform you that your daughter has been killed in action.” The list of ones is endless…and so is the pain they can bring.
Just as God took over the failed service my wife had planned and soundly defeated the Enemy’s effort to quench the moving of God’s Spirit, so He can do the same with any life situation we tackle. He is sovereign. Nothing happens outside of His control. His plans are always better than mine and can never be thwarted by the tactics of Satan.
Whatever God brings out of the one apparently bad thing will always be better. Trust Him to control your one thing.

Prayer: Father, we believe You have power over the one thing that seems to have power over us. 

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