Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Throwback Tuesday - Martin Wiles

Control or Controlled

When I saw the “Hot Now” neon sign, all sense of self-control vanished. I had to have one. The heck with calories and sugar levels.

My wife and I were ushering Mom to a Christmas concert. As our car crept up to the parking lot and we prepared to park, I couldn’t help but notice what lay lit up across the street. A Krispy Kreme doughnut shop…freshly built…with the all-important neon sign shouting an essential message for lovers of dough, sugar and fillings. We immediately made plans to visit as soon as the concert concluded. I enjoyed the music, but my mouth watered for what followed. And I wasn’t disappointed. One dozen was just enough for the ride home and breakfast the following two mornings. A classic picture of self-control’s absence. Read more...

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