Monday, September 11, 2023

Unleash the Holy - Martin Wiles

unleash the holy
When Moses came down Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, he wasn’t aware that his face had become radiant. Exodus 29:35 NLT

They called him “deac,” but he wasn’t one. Still, he could unleash the holy.

By usual standards, my paternal grandfather didn’t have an impressive build. At five-foot-six inches and 165 pounds, he was comparatively small. But what he lacked in stature, he made up for in godliness.

On one trip to visit him and my grandmother, my father told me how people called my grandfather deac—short for deacon. Interestingly, he wasn’t a deacon, but they associated him with the position because of his godly behavior. He wasn’t a vocal man or unusually bold in sharing his faith. He didn’t have to be. What he held onto on the inside naturally oozed out in his actions and speech.

My grandfather himself told me of a time when he visited a local diner across the street from his house. As he drank his coffee, another of the usual customers sat beside him. The waitress took the man’s order and said, “Oh, I have a joke to tell you—but not until Mr. Boyce leaves.” My grandfather’s life unleashed the holiness in him.

After Moses visited with God on Mount Sinai, he lumbered down the mountain to tell the people what God had revealed. Unknown to Moses, his face shone because he had been in the Lord’s presence. So brightly, in fact, that his brother and the others feared approaching him.

As believers, God has set us apart and instructed us to be holy, even as He is holy. Doing so doesn’t entail walking around with a snobby attitude, imagining we’re better than anyone else. It simply means remembering who we are and who we represent. God has given us the righteousness of Christ, and our goal should entail reflecting that to others.

Living in a world that is often hostile to Christianity means that unleashing the holy takes conscious effort. Fear, neglect, and busyness can keep it leashed if we’re not careful. But when we remember and nurture the person we are inside, holy living will naturally be unleashed to run free on the outside.

How are you unleashing the holy?

Father, give me strength to let my light for You shine brightly before others. 

Tweetable: Are you unleashing the holy? 

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