Friday, February 17, 2023

Ego Deflation - Martin Wiles

Ego Deflation
As he looked out across the city, he said, “Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor.” Daniel 4:30 NLT

Just five days after accepting the position, he resigned in disgrace.


In December of 2001, George O’Leary took the position as head coach of the Fighting Irish Notre Dame football team. Five days later, he resigned. An investigation revealed that twenty years before he had included false claims on his resume, which included saying he had lettered in football when he was not even on the team and that he had a master’s degree which he had not earned. The lies had not been discovered at any of his previous coaching jobs, but the high profile accorded the position of a coach at Notre Dame led to his exposure.


In a statement, O’Leary said, “Due to a selfish and thoughtless act many years ago, I have personally embarrassed Notre Dame, its alumni, and fans. With that in mind, I will resign my position as head football coach.”


Although a considerable amount of time passed between O’Leary’s deception and its discovery, it did come to light with devastating results. He had seemingly reached the height of his profession, only to wake up and find it all taken away. Pride can do that.


King Nebuchadnezzar ruled the mighty nation of Babylon—a nation he thought he had built by his own power and ingenuity. Although a pagan nation, God controlled who ruled it, and Nebuchadnezzar needed to realize it. So, God humbled his prideful spirit by temporarily taking the kingdom away from him.


God doesn’t want us to think less of ourselves than we should—after all, we are created in His image—but He also doesn’t want our view of ourselves to be higher than it should. We are His children, but He controls every breath we take. We can do all things through Christ, but we are nothing without Him. All our efforts made apart from His guidance—or in disobedience to His plan—are bound to fail.


God has wonderful plans for His children, and an attitude of humility will lead us to search out those plans and use our gifts and talents humbly to carry them out. When we recognize our position in Christ, God will open doors we could never imagine. We may never attain notoriety, as George O’Leary did as head coach of a famous football team, but we’ll be famous in God’s eyes for doing what He created us to do.


Don’t let pride ruin your work for God. Humbly accept the plans He has for you. After all, life is about Him, not you.


Prayer: Father, give us faith to seek and follow Your plans for our life. 

Tweetable: Is your ego larger than it should be? 

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