Monday, December 26, 2022

Fatal Attractions - Martin Wiles

fatal attractions
What you say flows from what is in your heart. Luke 6:45 NLT

What I’m known for is as important as why I’m known for it. Unfortunately, fatal attractions find themselves in the mix.

White was a well-known family name throughout certain portions of West Virginia and beyond. The family patriarch—who initially brought the family’s notoriety—was renowned as a tap dancer. Unfortunately, he was shot and killed.

His daughter says two more of her brothers were killed. Those who survived carried on the family reputation of murder, theft, attempted murder, and illegal drug use. And without shame. Only one of her brothers made it out of the poverty, fatality, and hopelessness the rest of the family experienced—and only by moving to another state.  

Though the family could quote scripture, it made no impact on them. Instead, what came out of their actions revealed what was in their hearts. They wanted to be remembered for the hell they raised and for their don’t-mess-with-us reputation.

Jesus states a well-known fact. When we see good works, they flow from a good heart—although one tainted with sin. When we witness evil deeds, they flow from a wicked soul—although one touched with good.

What I’m attracted to is crucial. Because my heart is tainted with a sinful bent, I am drawn to those things that either conflict with God’s will for me or fall outside my best interest. Things that will only bring temporary pleasure or exhibit a selfish nature. I’m also attracted to fatal attitudes and emotions. Revenge is much easier than forgiveness, and anger much simpler than love. What naturally draws me is fatal and will show up in ungodly actions and attitudes.

Only Christ can change what attracts us. When we ask for his forgiveness, he gives us a new nature. The things that attract us will change when we feed that new nature through spiritual disciplines such as Bible study and prayer. And so will our actions and attitudes.

What things or attitudes attract you? Our answer reveals the state of our hearts. Be attracted by good and godliness.

Prayer: Father, draw us to feed our inner selves so our outward actions will promote love for you and others.

Tweetable: What is a fatal attraction to you?  

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