Friday, November 4, 2022

Hungry for God - Martin Wiles

hungry for God
Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence!
Isaiah 64:1 NLT

Nothing satisfies like being hungry for God.

“You’re like a chipmunk.” A work associate was the first to say this, but others had implied it with various comments. And I do stay hungry most of the time. At any given time, I may walk or sit around with something in my mouth. My wife blames my incessant eating on a tapeworm. I’ve never been tested, but my appetite and weight maintenance make me a perfect candidate.

Until I reached my late thirties, I could eat as much as I wanted and never worry about rising numbers on the scale. Then things changed. I still eat often, but the amounts are smaller because the number on the scales will increase if I don’t.

Unfortunately, much of what I hunger for isn’t always healthy: Little Debbie snack cakes, fried foods, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and potato chips. If I longed for more nutritious foods, the scales might remain steady—or move in the opposite direction.

Isaiah hungered for his people to turn back to God. He didn’t want to see them taken into captivity as punishment for their sins. He also hungered for God to act by righting the wrongs he witnessed around him. He yearned for the right things . . . godly things.

What we hunger for reveals our life philosophy, much like the foods we hanker after. When we crave and eat the wrong types of food, the chances of us having health-related issues increase. If we long for the bad things in life—things not in God’s will—our spiritual lives will suffer. We’ll miss opportunities God sends and make decisions that will take us down paths outside of his plan.

But when we hunger for God, we’ll seek him. Through prayer and worship, we’ll hunger for him to speak. 

Our prayer will be, “God, show me the right decisions to make,” or “God, how do you want me to use the gifts you’ve given me?”

How can you hunger for more of God in your life?

Prayer: Father, we long for Your presence to fill our souls so we’ll never hunger for anything else as a substitute. 

Tweetable: Are you hungry for God? 

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