Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Finding Quiet in the Turmoil - Martin Wiles

finding quiet in the turmoil
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

Finding quiet in the turmoil of life can challenge the best of us.

Technology is great until it stops working. My mornings run on a tight schedule. Up at 4:30 a.m., on the computer, and writing within a few minutes. At least, that’s the way I plan it. But sometimes, my computer has other plans.

One morning, I didn’t see the low battery warning, so a blank screen appeared in the middle of my writing. Startups with an older operating system take time. When I restarted and opened the document, what I had written had disappeared. Then updates began installing, and I had to restart again. By this time, I had decided to dump my favorite writing computer.

My wife happened to have a newer model she rarely used. We decided to switch. Then came the task of saving all my documents to a thumb drive and transferring them to her computer. Somehow, I managed to maintain a quiet spirit through it all—a significant improvement from how I would have behaved in my younger years.

In the entire scope of worldwide things causing turmoil, a malfunctioning computer and an interrupted morning seem insignificant—and probably are. Yet this could have led to turmoil in my spirit.

Zephaniah’s time was tumultuous. The ancient Babylonians bore down on Judah. The end wouldn’t be pretty. Turmoil would reign, but he assured them God would bring quiet amid the rampage if they trusted.

Turmoil comes in various shades. I’ve faced it in broken relationships I thought would never end, financial upheavals that seemed to languish eternally, and health issues that didn’t look like they’d go away. Yet, through them all—when I responded with trust, God gave me peace during what could have caused turmoil. I expect him to do the same for whatever is in my future.

When we place our source of turmoil in God’s hands, we acknowledge his control over the situation. Trusting him, regardless of our emotions or understanding, leads to quietness of spirit.

What are some ways you can entrust what causes you turmoil to God’s control?

Prayer: Father, we trust You for peace when times are troubled. 

Tweetable: Have you found quiet in your turmoil? 

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