Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Walk-On Wednesday - Take a Seat - Martin Wiles

Welcome to Walk-on Wednesday. By Hump Day, we are struggling, but we believe a good devotion can strengthen us to finish the week strong. 

When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.  Hebrews 1:3 NLT

Tim was a good friend. So good that when I visited him, he would give me the seat of honor: his recliner.

Tim was a pastor. During the day, he was either at the church preparing his sermons or on the road visiting the sick and shut-ins. Yet when his day ended and his work was complete, he sat in his recliner—a nice large plush leather repository. My wife and I would visit with him and his wife monthly, and when we did, Tim would always say, “Sit here in the nice chair.” Tim was just that kind of guy.

Almost 2,000 years ago, Christ took a seat. He had sat there before, but at a certain point in time, he got up, left his comfy seat of honor, and traded it for human flesh, a smelly stable, abuse, misunderstanding, unbelief, and finally death. Three days later, however, he got up. Forty days later, he returned to the place he’d been and sat down. His hard day at work was finished—the work of dying for humanity’s sins.  

Now that Christ has taken a seat, he offers me one as well. Spiritual restlessness is parcel to humanity. I’ve experienced it myself. Only when I recognized the source was I able to calm my soul’s uneasiness.

God created this void, and the something that was missing was him. When I confessed my sins, received his forgiveness, and invited Christ into my life, I too was able to sit down. I found peace in knowing all was well between me and my Creator. He took my unrighteousness and gave me his righteousness.

When the Father looks upon me, he sees me as “right.” Trying to work my way to God only leads to tired feet from continually standing up. Accepting what he’s already done allows me to get off my feet and sit in the plush recliner of righteousness.

Are you busy trying to impress God, or are you resting in the righteousness of Christ?

Prayer: Eternal God, thank You for loving us enough to send Your Son to die in our place. 

Tweetable: Where are you sitting? 

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