Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Philemon Promise - Cindy Evans

Welcome to Walk-on Wednesday. By Hump Day, we are struggling, but we believe a good devotion can strengthen us to finish the week strong. 

Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back forever. Philemon 1:15 NIV

After a painful break-up with my then-boyfriend, Mark, I felt down.

What went wrong? We'd both been Christians and had lots of fun together, making sweet memories. Although we both had hope, it hadn’t worked.

One day, still hurting from the loss, I was on the floor, crying out for comfort and looking in God’s Word. My pages fell to a passage I'd never noticed before.

My eyes opened wide as I read the following Scripture from Philemon: “Perhaps this is the reason he was separated from you for a while, so that you might have him back forever.”

My jaw dropped. Lord, is this a promise for me? Could it be? Was God using this season of separation to teach us something or prepare us for the future?

I felt my soul stirring and my heart overflowing. I felt the Spirit speaking. I tucked this verse in my heart, and it brought peace. I felt my brokenness healing tenderly in a way that’s hard to explain.  

Not too long after that, Mark and I got back together. Today, I write this as his wife, and I will always remember with awe and gratitude this precious time when God shared His wonderful Word with me.

What promise have you received from God? 

Tweetable: What promise have you received from God? 

Cindy Evans is a published poet living in the greater Atlanta area. Her prayer is to be a keyboard for Christ. She enjoys her work at a faith-based hospice company and also date nights with Mark (who you read about) and church activities.

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