Monday, May 17, 2021

Meandering Monday - Life on the Bottom - Martin Wiles

Welcome to Meandering Monday, where we take a trip back to an earlier post and enjoy it again. 

You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Daniel 4:32 NLT

I’ve been fortunate with on-your-back experiences.

I’ve only had one hospital stint. I’ve never broken a limb nor had a surgery that left me incapacitated or with limited movement. Hardships, trials, and emotional stressors are another story. Of these on-your-back episodes, I’ve had my fair share. These types of occurrences have put me on my back emotionally.

Nebuchadnezzar had an on-your-back, or rather an in-the-field, experience. He was king of the mighty Babylonian empire, but pride put him out to pasture—literally. As he surveyed his kingdom—imagining that its greatness was solely because of his talents and intellect—God reminded him it wasn’t. So he wouldn’t repeat the same mistake in the future, God gave him a lesson in humility.

When life places me on my back, there’s only one direction to look—up. Asking why I’m on my back is always important. If it’s because of circumstances beyond my control, then I accept it as such. But if my actions have put me where I am, then that’s a different scenario.

On-my-back episodes can teach me vital life lessons. They can show up misplaced priorities, unhealthy relationships, poor decisions, or bad company. What I can learn is the necessity of rectifying these wrong or unwise situations.

Regardless of why I’m on my back—whether it’s my fault, someone else’s, or no one else’s—I can lean on God for strength and comfort. He may choose to leave me there for a spell—especially if being there is my fault—but he’ll still encourage and strengthen me while I’m there.

My major endeavor in an on-your-back incident is determining how I’ll be different once I’m on my feet again. Will I repeat the same mistake? Will I indulge in the same lifestyle? Will I associate with the same people? Will God assume a new place in my life?

When you’re on the bottom, look up for strength, guidance, and encouragement.

Prayer: Merciful God, when we find ourselves on our backs, encourage us to look to You for strength and direction.

Tweetable: Where do you turn when life hits the bottom? 

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1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, I have not hit the bottom too often, but prayer always has helped me to get back up when I have been laid low. Also, volunteering to help others has helped me rise up and help others. There are so many in need.
