Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Throwback Tuesday - Wearing Blinders - Martin Wiles

Wearing Blinders

When worn properly, they prevent me from noticing what God desires I see. 

As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores. Luke 16:21 NLT

I first noticed them when I was a young boy attending town Christmas parades. As the horse-drawn floats and carriages meandered by, the horses sported blinders to remove their peripheral view. At the time, it made no sense to me. Why would the owners not want their horses to see in a certain direction? Later I learned it was for the safety of the crowd and the one riding the horse or driving the carriage. Read more...

Tell us your story about wearing blinders. 

Tweetables: Are blinders keeping you from seeing what you need to see? 

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