Monday, March 8, 2021

Meandering Monday - Too Busy - Martin Wiles

Welcome to Meandering Monday. 

But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:16

Even when performing admirable actions, busyness can take us away from God.

I counted my jobs once. Five. One full-time and the others part-time. My total doesn’t represent workaholism—although I do struggle with scheduling down time. Because my full-time job doesn’t pay enough to cover our bills, I must add a few part-time endeavors to get us over the hump. Thankfully, God has opened several doors—some of which I’ve had to close. I can only do so much in twenty-four hours, and I can only endure so much physically and emotionally.

Crowds pandered after Jesus. Occasions for Him to do good abounded. People needed healing, dead needed raising, sinners needed befriending, hungry needed feeding, and religious leaders needed correcting. But occasionally, He needed to get away to a solitary place so He could hear His Father. 

Worthwhile prospects surround me daily, but I’ve discovered I can perform good works and still miss God’s will. Just because honorable opportunities abound doesn’t mean God expects me to put my hands into each one. Pursuing a good agenda doesn’t necessarily mean I’m satisfying God’s agenda.

Finding out which opportunity God wants me to tackle is the key. Through intense prayer, I discover the avenues He wants me to pursue. Then, rather than blindly and busily trying to do everything, I can focus my energy on the right thing. I can’t wrestle every good thing accessible, but I can seize those that fulfill God’s vision for me and the world.

Going full speed in all directions leads to frustration, bad attitudes, burn out, and failure at what I want so desperately to succeed at. Being open to change and sensitive to God’s guidance sets my course in the direction he desires.

Don’t get so busy doing good that you can’t hear God’s instructions? Follow Jesus’ example. Get away with the Father.

Prayer: Dear Father, amidst the many opportunities to do good, give us clear insight into which ones are Your will for our lives.

Tell us how you changed your busy life. 

Tweetable: Are you too busy? 

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