Monday, January 18, 2021

Lost and Found - Martin Wiles

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Romans 3:23 NLT

I wondered how she could misplace a six-foot bulky chord.

“Have you seen the charging cord for my laptop,” my wife asked. I hadn’t, but knowing she always kept it close by her laptop on the kitchen table, I pondered what could have happened to it.

The search began. We racked our brains and ransacked the house, looking in every nook and cranny and in places it surely wouldn’t hide. Earlier in the day, my wife had plundered the kitchen table with craft items, making Mother’s Day gifts for our moms, our daughter, and the mother of the child my wife keeps. “Did you accidentally put the chord in one of the bags with the craft items?” I asked. We looked. Nothing.

By this time, my wife’s laptop had died. Not a good situation when she was in the middle of planning a wedding for a friend. Our friends joined in the search. The man, who sat on the love seat, looked under the furniture, and ran his hands down beside the cushions. All he found was three dinosaurs and a pair of woman’s underwear (We inherited the love seat from our daughter, who inherited it from a thrift store.). This brought a good laugh.

“I still think someone picked it up by mistake,” I commented again. But who? We taxed our brains, thinking of who had visited during the day. Then it dawned on us. Another friend had stopped by to pick up jewelry and a digital antenna she had let us borrow. Could she have picked up the chord with the antennae? A quick call brought a sigh of relief. She had.

Although finding the lost chord was important, doing so wasn’t nearly as important as fixing the lost state every one of us finds ourselves in when we come into this world. Paul classifies us as sinners—not a popular word, but a biblical one. Unless we’re found, the result of our lostness will be spiritual and eternal death (Romans 6:23).

Fortunately, God knows our location and wants us to know it as well. Being found entails admitting our sinfulness and turning to Christ as our Savior. Once found, we can live the life God intended for us to live when He created us. A simple confession of our sins, along with a plea for saving, is all God requires.

If you haven’t let yourself be found by God, why not do so today?

Tweetable: Have you let God find you? 

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