Then Moses raised his hand over the sea,
and the Lord opened
up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that
night, turning the seabed into dry land. Exodus 14:21 NLT
My brother
and I plodded along the muddy trail, not knowing what was ahead.
Before work
schedules, age, and health issues interfered, monthly trips to the mountains
was a regular way of life for me and my brother. On one such hike, we parked
just off the interstate at a gravel parking lot to access a trail that would
lead us to beautiful Cataloochee Valley—a place we had visited by car but never
on foot.
What we
didn’t know was that the trail was also a horse trail. Though we didn’t see
any, what they left behind evidenced their presence. Heavy rains from the
previous weeks made the trail muddy, so we couldn’t see what we stepped in. Mud
crept up to our knees, but we trudged on.
The sites
didn’t disappoint us. We saw several old cabins, remains of homes once occupied
by residents who had their land bought by the National Park Service when they
established the park. At the end of our journey, an old church with a cemetery
nearby sat awaiting us—one of the churches valley congregants of long ago met
at to worship.
As my
brother and I trod the muddy trail, we never imagined the beauty that
awaited on the other side. I doubt the Israelites who had just escaped Egyptian
slavery did either. To get there, however, they had to cross the Red Sea. God
took care of parting it—and of drying the ground so they didn’t sink into the
mud as they crossed.
God’s plan
for our lives isn’t always what we might imagine, or desire. His plan often carries
us through muddy areas where we think we’re sure to sink, but God always dries
up the path enough for us to make it through. If the path God designed was
always easy, our faith wouldn’t grow or stretch. Neither would it bring God
glory, which is another reason He takes us these ways.
suffered and said His followers would as well. Through the muddy paths—the
sufferings—God sanctifies us … sets us apart … in our attitudes, emotions,
actions, and words. And through the process, He brings us to more beautiful
places than we could ever have imagined.
Don’t fear
the muddy trails of life. God has something better ahead.
Father, we trust You to guide us along whatever paths You deem appropriate and
that will make us more like You.
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