Thursday, July 9, 2020

Soul Drought - Martin Wiles

He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. Ezekiel 37:2 NLT
The crunch beneath my feet told the story.
A moderate drought often descends on our area of the state. Spring rains come, and then about the time grass, flowers, trees, and gardens need water to stave off the summer’s heart, a drought strikes. Weeks pass with little or no rain. Things that aren’t watered by people or sprinkler systems wither and die. Grass crunches beneath my feet as I walk across the yard. Brief showers here and there do more harm than good when the sun quickly reappears with a ferocious bite of heat.
And vegetation isn’t the only thing affected during these drought periods. People’s attitudes sour. Their patience level deteriorates. Fights break out more often and more easily. Coarse words flow from mouths, fingers, and pens—words that ordinarily would remain unspoken. The ground is dry—and so are souls.
When the rains finally arrive, miracles occur. Branches on the trees perk up. Flowers raise their heads. Grass springs back to life. And people become nice again. Rain ends the physical and the soul drought.
God’s people in Ezekiel’s day experienced a soul drought. God had sent them into exile because of their disobedience to Him.
I’ve experienced the soul droughts more times than I care to remember. And I’m sure I have more ahead. I can bring on the drought the same way God’s people of old did when I choose to live in disobedience to God’s commands. Jesus promised abundant life for His children, but it only comes through obedience. When I choose another route, He sends a soul drought. One that zaps my happiness, my focus, and my joy of living.
But there are other times when the droughts come through no fault of our own. Life happens. Friends and family members die. Jobs disappear. Tests are failed. Relationships end—without us wanting them to. Health episodes happen. Surgeries occur. Falls take place. Tragedies strike. And if we are not careful, a soul drought will come on the heels of any of these things.
Droughts are staved off by turning to God—through confession, if needed, and through trust. We confess our sin, and we confess our inability to handle life without His assistance. When we do, He sends the rain that refreshes our souls and gives us the energy to take face another day.
When your soul drought comes, turn to the only One who can send the rain.
Prayer: Father, we depend on You to send the rain for our parched souls when the droughts come.

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1 comment:

  1. I pray all soul droughts will leave. I pray our souls will be filled with the joy of the Lord. :-)
