We were out in the field, tying up bundles
of grain. Suddenly my bundle stood up, and your bundles all gathered around and
bowed low before mine! Genesis 37:7 NLT
Kierkegaard, a nineteenth-century Danish philosopher, said, “Life must be
understood backwards … it must be lived—forwards.”
Tending to
a three- and a five-year-old grandson five to six days a week is no easy task
for my wife and I, but we love having them around. We spend much of our time
teaching them directives that are for their own good—good we see but good I’m
sure they don’t understand at their age.
Such as
running in the house. We live in a small patio townhome, cluttered with too
much furniture. We have a small yard—too small for them to run around in—so they
often try running in the house. Not a better choice. When they fall, or run
into something, and get hurt, we remind them that’s why we tell them not to
running in the great outdoors can be dangerous for them. Occasionally, we take
them to a nearby Revolutionary War site where plenty of room exists for them to
run. We still caution them. Falling on the paved walkway—which they have
done—skins knees and hands. So does running down the steps of the overlook
building. The five-year-old can attest to this.
backward is another trick they once tried while we strolled uptown with them.
They laughed as they did, and I cautioned them as they did. I saw what was
coming: a pole.
Although my
grandboys may not understand our directives, I know the reason behind giving
them. And one day, they’ll understand that what confused them was clear to me.
Joseph learned that about God’s directive. Through two dreams, God showed
Joseph that he would one day rule over his family. What he didn’t know—or
perhaps even later understand—was that the journey to that point would entail
hatred, betrayal, slavery, and prison.
Scripture clearly
teaches God has a plan for our lives. Through stories, it also shows we might
not understand the plan—or enjoy the things we have to go through for God to
accomplish His plan.
We have two
choices: turn our backs on God’s plan, or trust Him to accomplish it in the way
He sees best, whether or not we understand. My grandboys choose to trust my
wisdom, and I plan to do the same with God’s plan for me.
Don’t rebel
against God’s plan. Enjoy the journey, even when it involves misunderstanding
and pain.
Prayer: Father,
give us the faith to trust Your plan even when it appears confusing to us.
Tweetable: Are you sure of God's plan?

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