Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Changeless Among Change - Martin Wiles

Series: Nature Lessons About God

I am the Lord, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6 NLT

Each year, I go. And each year, I notice the same thing.

I love nature, and one of my favorite places to visit is the mountains. Mountains make their own weather, so the seasons there appear to be more concrete than in other areas of my state. If I go in the spring, I expect to see trees budding and wildflowers bursting forth from under layers of leaves left over from the previous fall.

If I make the trip in the fall, I expect to see leaves in various shades of color, some already having fallen off. I also anticipate seeing thousands of people who have come to observe the same things I have journeyed to view.

If I visit during the winter months, I expect cold temperatures, bare trees, and icy spots. Winter views trump those of other seasons because fronts have cleared out the humidity of summer and no leaves on trees block my view. I can also expect some roads to be closed due to inclement weather.

And if I travel to the mountains in the summer, I can anticipate hot temps, but not as hot as where I live. Flowers are alive with color, and the grass is rainforest green.

Regardless of what season I visit the mountains, I’ll find similar scenarios. That’s because God created certain conditions to accompany particular regions. And He says these seasons will remain until the end of time.

Through the prophet Malachi, God reminded the people of why He had not destroyed them despite their repeated disobedience: He was a God of grace and mercy. He had been in the beginning, and He would remain the same until the end of time and throughout eternity.

And God hasn’t changed. God gives forgiveness when we don’t deserve it. He restores us to a right relationship with Him when we don’t merit a relationship at all. He gives blessings we can’t earn, and certainly don’t deserve. His nature of mercy, love, and grace allow Him to do no less. When we fail Him, He doesn’t return the favor. He holds us up when we let Him down. He sustains when we don’t have the energy to take the next step. He enables us to move forward when we don’t know how.

God has never let His people down—and He never will. Trust the changeless nature of the unchanging God.

Prayer: Father, among life’s many changes, we are thankful that You never do.

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