Saturday, May 2, 2020

Loving the Simple Things - Martin Wiles

So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 2:24 NLT

“Guess what I did today, Pop?” And when I ask, “What?” the list begins.

Anxiety got the best of our middle grandson during his first three days of school, but after that, he anticipated each day. Our daughter often drops him off a few minutes before arrival time, and I take him to my room where we hang out until time for him to go to class.

When I ask him about his days, he spouts off the list. “Today, we went to music class.” He loves to sing. During his first two days at school, he wouldn’t use the bathroom. He’s afraid of loud flushing toilets. But when he found out they had wall urinals that were just his size, he didn’t miss a trip from then on.

And of course, one day they go to the media center where he can check out a book and take it home for a few days. Mom, Meme, or Pop gets the pleasure of reading it to him and watching the smile on his face. On another day, they go to art class. Perhaps his favorite thing is getting to visit the playground.

In his mind, nothing compares with a simple day at school. King Solomon tired of the simple things. With all the money he needed at his hands, he tried everything available in his time period that might have brought pleasure. The list of his exploits fills the book of Ecclesiastes. In the end, everything disappointed him. He concluded that drinking, eating, and working held the key to satisfaction.

If only I could keep the rhythm of loving the simple things throughout my lifetime. Of not having to buy the bigger and supposedly better, only to watch these things deteriorate before my eyes or to have my satisfaction with them dissipate. Before long, I’ve stuffed them in a closet, sold them on Facebook, or given them to a friend. I don’t miss them because they never brought lasting happiness in the first place.

The simplest thing that brings joy to life is a relationship with Jesus—loving Him with all my being. Beyond that are relationships with others. In the midst of those relationships come other simple things: spending time with friends and family, taking a walk in the woods, sitting on a porch and watching the sunrise or set, helping a stranger.

Let God teach you to find enjoyment in the simple things of life.

Prayer: Father, teach us to love the things in life that will last.

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  1. It is the simple things that make up most of our lives and bring the most joy. If only--as you say--we could remember that and truly embrace it. I wish you much joy in the every day things.
