You have always put a wall of protection around
him and his home and his property. You have made him prosper in everything he
does. Look how rich he is! Job 1:10
was a vibrant individual. Now she lay almost motionless in the ICU unit.
the last church I pastored, Gina* was one of my staunchest
supporters. We loved her for her support, which she continued to give after we
left. Weekly, she called my wife, and they caught up on the news.
came the message on Messenger from Gina’s daughter: “Mom has had a stroke and
is in ICU.”
had been riding in the truck with her husband. They stopped for gas. He went
inside to pay. When he came back out, she couldn’t talk. He knew something was
wrong. In the emergency room, doctors examined and tested her, but things went
downhill rapidly. Within a few hours, she was in ICU, and within another few
hours, the neurosurgeon was operating on the blood clot in her head—necessary
to save her life.
the next few days, Gina made slow progress. They removed her from life support,
but her right side was paralyzed and her speech haltering. How her life will
look in the future remains to be seen. She didn’t know her future held a
stroke. She merely enjoyed the day with her husband—and probably had other
plans, too.
didn’t see what was coming either. He didn’t know about the conversation
between God and Satan taking place in heaven. The one where Satan accused God
of overly protecting Job—the reason Satan said Job was such a righteous person.
Job didn’t know about God giving Satan permission to mess up his life. But Job
did know when life came tumbling down.
is that way: uncertain. But if it wasn’t, how would our trust and faith in God
grow? If we knew about every incident in the future, we could plan how we would
face it—or avoid it. No problem there. Not knowing forces us to trust God—who
does know about all future events. If we don’t believe in Him, we’re left with
fate or chance. Not comforting choices. But knowing God loves and has our best
interests at heart helps us live this uncertain life with peace and joy and
without fear.
let the uncertainty of life ruin your life’s journey. Trust in the God who
loves you and guides each event in your life.
Father, we trust You to guide us through life’s uncertainties.
changed to protect individual privacy.

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