We are powerless against this mighty army
that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to
you for help. 2 Chronicles 20:12 NLT
We prepared to
fight a battle we hoped we wouldn’t have to fight.
The head of
school met with teachers, giving us plans for the battle—the one we hoped we’d
never have to wage. If the battle was in the building, we should hunker down in
our rooms, lying flat on the floor.
These instructions didn’t comfort me,
especially since bullets can penetrate walls and intruders can kick in doors.
If we could get out, we should flee … quietly.
Now we had to
pick a spot to flee to. After taking attendance and lunch orders, we gathered
our classes, headed outside, and walked two football fields away to a wooded
area. Then each class determined where in the woods we would assemble. This was
necessary so we could account for everyone should a real intruder intrude.
The meeting and
practice sobered me. We prayed nothing like this would ever happen. Perhaps, we
were a little naïve. We lived in a smaller town and attended a private school.
But we knew the battle could come, so we got ready, all the while knowing any
plan we concocted could be altered by the circumstances.
Our world is a
dangerous place. Mass shootings are common. Jehoshaphat’s world mimicked ours
in many ways. Enemy armies marched against the southern kingdom of
Judah—Jehoshaphat’s territory. He cried out to God for help. He wasn’t ready
for battle.
battles can frighten us, but spiritual battles come in more intense forms. Paul
says our real fight isn’t against flesh and blood but against evil spirits in
an unseen world (Ephesians 6:12). Ones we can’t see, unlike a real intruder
with weapons I can see.
Yet, the method
of our response should not change. Jehoshaphat cried out to God, asking for
wisdom and help. The people cried out too … and fasted.
The time to
prepare for battle is not after the battle has begun, but before. Failing to
put on our spiritual armor—thinking right thoughts, remembering we’re clothed
in Christ’s righteousness, taking the sword of God’s Word, walking by faith,
sharing our faith story—sets us up for defeat before the battle ever begins.
More importantly is remembering the battle is not ours, but God’s. He is in charge and the one
responsible for routing the enemies of our souls. With Him on our side, victory
is certain.
Get ready for
your battles, and then let God lead you to victory.
Prayer: Father,
guide us to the victories that only You can give.
Tweetable: Are you ready for the battle?

Putting on the full armor of God. There will be battles and we must be ready to declare His name and glory over all battles. Thank you for this great message.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Melissa, for stopping by. God bless.