Saturday, December 21, 2019

Trials and Trust - Martin Wiles

Series: The Truth About Trials

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2 NLT

On her grave marker were the following simple words: “For her to live was Christ, and to die was gain.”

Maria Dyer was born in 1837 on the mission field in China. Her parents were pioneer missionaries, both of whom died when she was a little girl. After their deaths, Maria was sent back to England for an uncle to raise. The horrible trial of losing her parents, however, didn’t deter Maria’s young heart from wanting to share the gospel. She knew how important doing so was. At age sixteen, she returned to China to work in a girl’s school as a missionary. Five years later, she married Hudson Taylor, a man well-known today for his life of ministry, faith, and sacrifice and for being the founder of the China Inland Mission.

Others—even Christians—often criticized Maria and her husband’s work. At one point Maria wrote, “As to the harsh judgings of the world, or the more painful misunderstandings of Christian brethren, I generally feel that the best plan is to go on with our work and leave God to vindicate our cause.”

Of Maria and Hudson’s nine children, only four survived to adulthood. Maria herself died of cholera at the age of forty-three. But she believed the cause merited the sacrifice.

The only way joy can come from our trials is for us to trust God in and through them. Otherwise, they will destroy us or lead us into the depths of depression and discouragement.
Wise King Solomon encouraged God followers to trust God with all of their heart, soul, and mind and not to lean on their own understanding. Further, we should acknowledge Him in all of our ways and let Him direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Developing trust takes experience, just as it does in a relationship. Trust of others is built over time, as it is with God. The difference being, that God will never break our trust as others often do.
Nor should the trials of life surprise us (1 Peter 4:12). Early believers faced them—many were even put to death. Jesus faced them—and was put to death. Living a righteous life and standing for moral values that represent God’s principles will bring persecution from others. Darkness doesn’t appreciate the light.
Don’t let the trials of life get you down. Expect them, and learn to trust God through them. He’ll never let you down.
Prayer: Father, we trust You to guide us through life’s trials and to bring us out stronger on the others side.

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