For thousands of years, people have found comfort in the Psalms. No matter what emotion you are experiencing or fight you're facing, the psalms have something important to say. For the next little while, Love Lines from God will feature, "Solace from the Psalms." We hope you enjoy. And please share them with a friend.
For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. Psalm 34:7 NLT
“I have tickets for
the KISS concert. Want to go?” my friend asked.
As a hippie child, my
answer was a resounding “Yes!” Of course, I wanted to go. Who wouldn’t want to
hear Ace Frehley play lead guitar or Gene Simmons fork out his oversized
tongue? Their makeup and stage antics amazed millions. At least to a lover of
rock-n-roll—which my father wasn’t.
My dad’s answer to
the question was a reverberating, “No!” No room for discussion…no chance he’d change
his mind. He didn’t like my music and thought most of it was “straight from the
pits of hell.” And some might have been. (I did wonder a little about Alice
Cooper’s “Goes to Hell” album.)
Little did I
appreciate or understand it then, but God was using my parents as guardian
angels. And He provides some—physical and spiritual—for all His children. What
I interpreted as bad—my father not letting me attend a concert--was really for
my good. He was concerned about the negative messages entering my head, which
for a teenager wasn’t high on my list of important matters.
If an earthly
parent can see ahead and make wise decisions because of their foreknowledge and
experience, how much more can my Heavenly Father—who is omnipotent,
omnipresent, and omniscient—guard my steps.
Sometimes, I wonder
about the things God allows into my life and about the things He keeps me from.
But I’ve learned to trust His judgment. I’m His child, and He loves me
unconditionally. When God tells me I can’t go, I willingly—well sometimes
reluctantly—stay put.
Are you listening
to the guard God places around you?
Join the conversation. Tell us one thing God kept you from.
Tweetable: Is God telling you "No?"
Prayer: Thank You
Father for keeping us from those things that could harm us spiritually,
physically, and emotionally.

God's answer is always best. His plan is always best for us. :-) We may not understand the answer at the time but we can be comforted knowing His way is best.