Friday, August 23, 2019

Angels All Around - Solace from the Psalms - Martin Wiles

For thousands of years, people have found comfort in the Psalms. No matter what emotion you are experiencing or fight you're facing, the psalms have something important to say. For the next little while, Love Lines from God will feature, "Solace from the Psalms." We hope you enjoy. And please share them with a friend. 

For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11 NLT
She came when we least expected it, and only a few bags of items and a quiet knock revealed her presence.
My wife and I were enjoying a leisurely evening when a thump caught our attention. Thinking a picture had fallen or the cat had knocked something over, I reluctantly relinquished my comfortable chair to search for the culprit, but found nothing out of order.
A few moments later, a knock at the door once again sent me from my evening repose. One of my students was selling coupon books. As I made small talk with him, I suddenly noticed what our angel left—several bags of items lay on the ground in front of our car. Things we needed but had no money for: body wash, toilet paper, paper towels, sodas, and shampoo.
My wife eventually discovered our angel’s identity. It didn’t matter that she had earlier in the day mentioned to her that our funds were low and we’d soon have to resort to corn cobs and bar soap. Or that our friend couldn’t really fly. 
God has a way of sending angels just when we need them. And, in fact, they surround His children continuously.
But angels aren’t always winged or supernatural. God promises to supply His children’s needs—and He can use angels to do it. But often those angels come clothed in the garb of human flesh and bones. God will use me as an angel as often as I’ll let Him, but it requires a keen sense of spiritual perception on my part not to let those opportunities flutter by.
Think of one way God can use you as one of His angels.
Join the conversation: When have you experienced angels?
Prayer: Thank You Father for sending angels—supernatural and human—to meet our needs.

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