Saturday, April 6, 2019

Some Things Never Change - Martin Wiles

I am the Lord, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6 NLT

Some things never change. Among them a fort.

When I was a child, my grandparents built me forts. They took four kitchen chairs, placed them in a north, south, east, west position, and then covered them with a sheet or heavy spread.

Fifty years later, nothing has changed. My oldest grandsons issued a request: “Build us a fort.” Not having room for four chairs, I placed three in the north, south, and west position and covered them with a queen-size quilt and a blanket. In the words of my middle grandson, “It is perfect.” They played in it all day and even took their afternoon nap there.

I’m amazed that children continue to play some of the same games throughout the generations. Even with the technological changes, some old games still seize a child’s attention. Games that require only the imagination. In like manner, God never changes, as He said through the prophet Malachi.

God always loves. His love led Him to create us, His love leads Him to continue putting up with our foibles—even our acts of rebellion against Him—and His love propelled Him to send His Son to die for our sins. The offer to forgive our sins remains forever, on the condition that we confess and repent.

God forever acts in the best interests of His people. He has good plans for us—plans to prosper us. When we follow His plans, we enjoy life at its best.

For those who love Him, God promises to weave all things together for their good. Every event is permitted or initiated by His loving hand. Nothing happens that isn’t under His control. His power is great enough to take evil and bring good from it.

God’s power is sufficient to deliver us from all temptations. While He allows Satan to tempt, He also promises to make a way of escape so we don’t have to fall into the trap. All we must do is look for the open door and trust in God’s power to help us overcome.

God also grows our faith. As a child matures physically and emotionally, so God wants us to mature spiritually. Through mountain and valley experiences, He initiates our growth.

Many things will change, but never doubt God’s love for you or His involvement in your life.

Prayer:  Father, thank You that You are a never-changing God. 

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