But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62 NLT
The scales reflected numbers I didn’t appreciate. It was time for a change.
All my life, I had wanted to gain weight, but nothing worked. Then I hit the magic mark where gaining weight came easier than I desired. No longer could I eat anything in sight in whatever quantity I desired. When finding my waist size and inseam became difficult, I decided to act.
My wife once belonged to Weight Watchers and knew the point system. I told her how much I needed to lose, and she did the math. For three months, I stuck to the plan and watched as the pounds slowly evaporated. Then I switched to My Fitness Pal and counted calories. The pounds came off quicker, but still slower than I liked.
Finally, after six months, I stepped onto the scales and observed the number I’d been reaching for. I stood sideways and looked in the mirror and no longer saw the bulge hanging over my belt. I felt better, looked better, and believed I was healthier.
But I couldn’t let myself go and once again eat anything I wanted. To maintain my weight, I’d have to watch my calories from now until I died—and exercise several times a week. Not something I enjoy but necessary to maintain fitness.
According to Jesus, His kingdom work requires fit people. Anyone who puts his plow to the work of the Kingdom—but then looks back at worldly attachments—isn’t fit for Kingdom work.
I once heard a true saying: “If you want something done, find a busy person.” I found it to be true. A busy person is often in shape also. Both seem to run hand in hand. The nature of God’s work—to impact the world with the message of Jesus’ love—requires good shape: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Most of all, spiritually.
Jesus instructs His followers to do His work while it’s day because the night approaches quickly. Time is short—and will end. Neglecting His work means thousands will die daily without having a chance to believe in Him and claim heaven as their eternal home. When I’m in good spiritual shape, I’ll look for ways to stem this tide.
No one person can do it all, but together we can fit ourselves to touch people with Jesus’ love. Think of one way you can join the fitness program.
Tweetable: Are you fit for God's work?
Prayer: Father, motivate us to share Your love with a world that needs to hear and experience Your love.
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