Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Best Book - Martin Wiles

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

Peeling back the covers and smelling the pages gives me a high no drug could match.

Collecting old books is one of my passions—thinking about how many fingers have turned the pages, mulling over how many homes or libraries the book has been in, pondering over how something so fragile has survived for so long.

Along with books on history, literature, reading, grammar, and religion are numerous Bibles. Many belonged to family members; others I’ve accumulated. Bibles with different bindings and of various translations. Some old, others fairly new.

While my Bibles occupy the same shelves with books on other topics, I don’t see them in the same light. The writers of the other books may have been educated and inspired, but they aren’t in the same class as the men who penned the Bible. Paul says they did so under God’s inspiration.

A recent Gallup poll (May, 2017) revealed disturbing results concerning people’s views about the Bible. Only 24% of Americans now believe the Bible is the literal word of God. Almost half still believe it is inspired by God but not that it is the actual word of God or that they should take it literally, word for word. This downward trend began in 1976 and has continued among all age groups—especially those between 18 and 29.

Having a weak view of God’s Word puts me on a slippery slope. If I can’t believe some of it, can I believe any of it? And if I can only believe some of it, how do I know which parts are true and which are legend or fiction?

Personally, I’d rather not tread on the slippery slope. I prefer to believe what God claims about His word. That it is inspired by the Spirit of God, who makes no errors. That it is living, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. And that it has the ability to cut to the quick of my soul and point me in the right direction.

Although it wasn’t written as a history or science book, it can be trusted on whatever subject it speaks. Since I base my salvation on how the Bible says I must reconnect to God, it makes sense to trust the rest of the Bible as well.

Don’t fall into the trap of doubting God’s Word. Follow its directives and experience life at the highest level.

Prayer: Father, thank You for preserving Your Word for us. Give us the faith to trust every word it says. 

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