“It’s my body. I can do whatever I want with it.”
An argument often used by abortion rights advocates to justify their decision to abort their unborn babies. Or by those involved in substance abuse habits that have the potential to ruin their health—even kill them.
On the surface, the argument appears to have some validity. It is my body, and I do have power over it. If I want to go into the kitchen for something to eat, I can make my body go there. Or if I want to go outside to work in the yard, I can lead it there also. If going to church is my desire, I can make my body get in the car and drive there. Whatever messages enter my mind that require bodily movement, my body will obey unless it’s physically incapacitated or I choose to ignore the message.
The Bible says God is spirit, but he showed up in bodily form in the person Jesus Christ. Jesus’ body moved according to the Father’s plan. He went where God told him to and spoke the words the Father whispered in his ear. But that body was mangled, crucified, placed in a tomb, raised to life three days later, and eventually ascended back into heaven.
God’s body is now represented in my body and in the bodies of every other person who claims to be his follower. If my body belongs to God, then it doesn’t belong to me. While I still have control over it and can ignore God, I’ll only be blessed and rewarded when I make my body follow the messages God puts in my mind. I receive those messages as I read his Word, pray, and pay attention to the still small voice of his Spirit during the course of every day.
God expected his Son’s body to follow his directives when he was on earth, and he wants his body embodied in the church to do the same.
Let God direct your body to accomplish his perfect will. You’ll be glad you went where you did and said what you said.
Prayer: Father, direct our bodies so that we may accomplish Your kingdom’s work in this world.

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