Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Freedom Before God - Martin Wiles

Though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I must die. Esther 4:16 NLT

The fate of her people depended on her decision. What would she do?

She was living in a foreign place, and now the news had spread that the king had deposed the queen. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, was a high ranking official and privy to the palace scuttlebutt. After the king gave orders to find a new queen, she had been rounded up and taken to the king’s harem. When the day arrived for the king to choose a new queen, she was selected. Now a dastardly no good—who hated her people, had convinced the king to issue a decree allowing her people to be annihilated. Mordecai told her she was her nation’s only hope. 

As queen, Esther had the privilege of approaching the king—but not unless summoned by him. With prayer as her shield, she appeared before the king, was welcomed with his golden scepter, and delivered her people from certain death. 

As God’s child—who has experienced the fullness and completeness of his forgiveness, I have the right of coming boldly before him. Esther cowered because she knew her life was at risk; I come without fear realizing I’m no longer under condemnation for my sins. Christ has taken their punishment and thereby freed me.

Unlike the king with his subjects, God gives me a continual invitation to approach him. He’s never too busy, and my situations are never too trivial. He’s concerned with all the details of my life’s journey. After all, he is the one sending me on this trek. Since I’m human and subject to failure, I need his continual guidance. 

John Kennedy, Jr.’s favorite place to hide—while his dad, John F. Kennedy, was president of the United States, was under his dad’s desk. As the P.S. (President’s son), he enjoyed the privilege of boldly entering the office of the most important person in the country. 

Sin, past failures, and busyness can keep me away from God, but he’d rather I enjoy the freedom of basking in his presence. 

Prayer: Merciful God, thank You for our freedom to enjoy Your presence. Encourage us to come boldly and often before Your throne of grace.


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