Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Woven Together by God by Martin Wiles

They always introduced their projects with identical stitches, but the ending products were never the same.

From the moment of my birth until her death 17 years later, my great-grandmother lived with my grandparents. Her trade—at least in her retirement years, was crocheting. For hours at a time and for days on end, I watched her slouch in her favorite chair or on her bed and work the needle that resulted in an assortment of items. She hand delivered this art to my grandmother who also spent hours and months on the couch crafting her next project. I’ve inherited most of their remaining pieces: tablecloths, doilies, Christmas ornaments, and tree skirts. Their largest projects, however, were afghans. Stitch after stitch, square after square, circle after circle, day after day, month after month…until a masterpiece emerged. I marveled at the intricacy and delicate patterns that produced these masterpieces. They knew every inch intimately. 

God said the same about Jeremiah’s life. I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5 NLT)

One of the most promising ways to overcome discouragement and episodes of low self-esteem is to remember that my birth was a result of God’s purpose and planning. My entrance into the world didn’t surprise him. And while I must discover God’s purpose, the purpose is inherent nevertheless. God knit me together me in my mother’s womb just as he did the prophet of old. Like the afghan, I’m made of many different stitches and patterns, but the finished product is God’s work of art. Others might not observe the beauty, but he does. And this makes me valuable in God’s Kingdom work. 

When others make you feel inadequate or unloved, remember who knit You together…and for a purpose.

Prayer: Thank You Father for creating us with purpose in mind. Guide us to discover Your plan and then live it out. 

Martin N MichelleHelp spread the encouragement by sharing this site with a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your delicious recipe on Whatever Wednesday @ Thank You Honey.
