Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love Sooths

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. (NLT)

Good is not necessarily the adjective I’d choose to describe medicine. But if you need it, it is. Swallowing a pill that can’t be tasted is one thing, but I’ve yet to find a liquid medicine that tastes good. Those who grew up in the days when castor oil was popular surely didn’t think so either. But taste and benefit don’t have to coincide. Medicine can be good even when it tastes bad. Happiness is like good medicine. We feel good when we’re happy. We are full of energy and face each day with anticipation and excitement. Unhappiness does the opposite. The bed seems a better choice and we dread another day with its struggles. But our happiness should not be tied to circumstances or people’s responses. Rather, our happiness should be based on who we are in Christ. He has forgiven our sins and placed us in right standing with the Father. He controls our circumstances and cares about every detail in our life. His love soothes our brokenness and leads to an unexplainable peace.

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