Monday, October 14, 2024

Friday Night Lights - Karen Huffaker


Friday night lights

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart. 

~Psalm 32:11 NASB

It’s fall, which means it’s time for football to return. Excitement and anticipation build as fans await the first game kickoff under the Friday night lights.

Cheerleaders serve breakfast for the players. Later, coaches prepare them mentally and physically and serve them a hearty meal beforehand.

Families gather, wearing their teams’ logos on clothing, gear, and accessories. And don’t forget the cowbells, pom pom shakers, and tailgate parties. The community comes to life after a lazy summer.

But do we do the same in our worship of God? At the games, there is gladness, shouting, joy, hand waiving, singing, swaying to the drum beats, clapping hands, and stomping feet. Our worship should incorporate these enthusiastic displays and expressions of emotion, whether in private or public.

When the school band marches onto the track, it reminds me of the hymn, We’re Marching to Zion. The psalmist said to be glad, rejoice, and shout for joy.

We don’t have to be shy, quiet, solemn, or embarrassed. Nor must we look sad or serious. We have every reason to be joyful and express our gladness for what our Savior has done. Jesus saved us. We have victory in Him. The game has already been won.

Let the overflow of your joy be evident to everyone around you.

Tweetable: Are you excited about worship? 

Karen Huffaker is a freelance Christian writer. She has taught children’s Sunday school and single mom’s Bible studies and written poetry. She is from the Deep South and loves reading Christian books, devotionals, genealogy adventures, fishing, and all things family. She is also passionate about her grandchildren’s sporting events. 

I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Chicken Stew


chicken stew














I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Don’t Be a Fence Straddler - Martin Wiles

Don't be a fence straddler
Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” 1 Kings 18:21 NLT

At twelve, my grandfather learned about straddling the fence. 

When my grandfather was in middle school, his father died. In a time when women mainly worked at home and the man was the sole breadwinner, the family was in a precarious situation. My grandfather was the only one who could take the reins among three brothers.

With the help of his Uncle Ransom, my grandfather got down from the fence and went to work. Taking care of a mother and several female siblings at such a young age wasn’t easy, but he knew what he had to do and did it. Quitting school meant he’d never secure a job that would pay very much. And he didn’t.

When he later quit farming, he worked at the Paradise Ice Company in Orangeburg, South Carolina, where he worked for the remainder of his career. Though his pay left much to be desired, again, he knew what he had to do and did it.

Elijah wasn’t a fence-straddler, either. He summoned almost one thousand prophets and prophetesses of the pagan god Baal to the summit of Mount Carmel and challenged them to a contest to see which god was God. Before the contest began, he asked the people how long they would hesitate between two opinions . . . how long they would live with a divided mind.

Jesus once told people they couldn’t serve God and mammon. Mammon could be money or material possessions. But we can take anything and insert it in the place of mammon. We can’t choose God and Baal. Baal was a fertility god. Worshipping him allegedly brought prosperity and happiness. Our Baal can be anything that proposes to do the same thing.

God presents us with the same question as Elijah did to Baal’s representatives: “How long will you live with a divided mind?” We must choose God as well as the things that represent his nature. We can’t serve him and other gods. Nor does he want half-hearted service from us after we choose to follow him. He wants our undivided loyalty—not a divided mind.

Give God your all. He wants it—and deserves it. And when you choose to get off the fence, you’ll experience life as you never have before.

Father, give us strength to follow you with all our hearts, souls, and minds. 

Tweetable: Are you a fence straddler? 

I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Remember Your Spiritual Roots - Martin Wiles

remember your spiritual roots
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17 NLT

With little roots, Tom sold most of his belongings and headed out.

Tom had a fragile childhood. His father was known as a rowdy type, a sailor with a woman in every port. Naturally, things between his mother and father fell apart because his father wouldn’t stop carousing. Then, the day came when his mom met a man from Florida. Before he knew it, they were married and moving to Florida—without him.

Tom was left to live with his grandmother, who lived with her daughter, son-in-law, and their two children. His aunt and uncle became his parents, and his two cousins became his brother and sister.

Tom’s life wasn’t much different than his father’s. None of his marriages lasted long. Since he couldn’t father his own children, when the marriage dissolved, so did all the roots that went with it. When his last wife died from cancer, Tom sold almost everything he had, loaded his horses and belongings in a trailer, and hit the road. 

Sometimes, I feel a little like Tom. As a preacher’s kid and then a preacher myself, moving from place to place came with the territory. We often missed family reunions because of church, so I depended greatly on my grandmother to keep me updated. Mom and Dad’s sister are the only family matriarchs my family has left.

Although my earthly roots are somewhat fragmented—and now relatively shallow—my spiritual roots run deep. Distance, divorce, and death can shatter and fragment genealogical roots, but the root that extends into God’s love is deep. In fact, it is a tap root with no end.

Others may leave us in life for numerous reasons. We ourselves will one day leave this earth behind. But if we are rooted in God’s love, we have a large family planted worldwide. Though our physical families dwindle and fragment, our spiritual families are found anywhere we go because we find people rooted in God’s love.

When it appears your family roots are slowly dissipating, remember how large your spiritual family is. Pray for them and enjoy spending time with them.

Father, I thank you for giving me spiritual family all across this globe. 

Tweetable: How deep are your spiritual roots? 

I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The T-Shirt - Lynne Phipps

the t-shirt
Therefore, put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place. Ephesians 6:13-14 NIV

My Irish Setter Ruby tore a large gash in her chest when she encountered a strand of barbed wire as she was galivanting through the bush. Fortunately, the tear did not penetrate the muscle. I doctored the wound, and it healed well until Ruby figured out how to twist and lick it. I then needed to take other measures. That's when the t-shirt came into play. 

My daughter produced one of the girl's outgrown t-shirts that fit Ruby perfectly. It protected the wound from further damage from dirt and debris and from Ruby's licking, preventing it from drying and healing.

As I watched Ruby proudly sporting her bright pink t-shirt, I was reminded of the scriptural command to put on the full armor of God, specifically the breastplate of righteousness.

Soldiers of the past wore breastplates. We, however, may know them as Flak Jackets, Kevlar, or bulletproof vests. These coverings have always been designed to clothe most of the upper body, providing significant protection from anything that could severely damage or pierce a person’s heart.

Likewise, the breastplate of righteousness that Paul speaks of protects our spiritual heart. Satan, the ruler of this world, forever schemes against us. He stands before the throne of God, continually accusing the people of God. He wants to pierce our hearts with doubt regarding our salvation and God’s eternal love, grace, and forgiveness for all who call upon His name in faith, confession, and repentance. 

Further, Satan desires to stab us with false guilt and unworthiness, robbing our hearts of the joy of our salvation. This is why we must put on our spiritual breastplate every day. The breastplate is our belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. 

Once we commit to Christ, God no longer sees us as unrighteous and imperfect. Instead, he sees us through the power of the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus's blood covers us with a veil of holiness and protection and makes us righteous in Christ for eternity, no matter what the evil one tries to whisper in our hearts.

Put on your breastplate of righteousness daily so that you may stand against the evil one who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. This way, you can be sure that someone will not be you.

Father God, thank you for our breastplate of righteousness, attained for us through the shed blood of Jesus and his resurrection. Remind us to don it daily.  In Christ’s name, amen.

Tweetable: Have you put on the breastplate of righteousness? 

Lynne Phipps and her family live on a small hobby farm in the heart of Alberta, Canada’s farming country. She has been writing devotions for forty years and never tires of the spiritual correlation the Holy Spirit blesses her with. He uses normal everyday events and the behaviors of the multitude of glorious creatures He has brought across her path to point her to the truths of God. Lynne is a devotion writer for VineWords: Devotions and More.

I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Chicken Salad


chicken salad



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I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Do You Want It Now? - Martin Wiles

wanting it now
One day when Samson was in Timnah, one of the Philistine women caught his eye. When he returned home, he told his father and mother, “A young Philistine woman in Timnah caught my eye. I want to marry her. Get her for me.” Judges 14:1-2 NLT

The virus taught us we can’t get everything now.

COVID-19 taught the world many things, but in America and other countries, we learned we couldn’t get some things we wanted—not just immediately, but at all. One comical thing that emerged was shaggy hairstyles. Men couldn’t go to barber shops. They weren’t open. If they didn’t know how to cut their own hair—or knew someone who could—they went without a haircut until officials lifted the restrictions and could once again see their barber. 

The same thing happened with ladies. No matter how much they wanted to visit their beautician to get their hair done, they couldn’t. And beauticians couldn’t fix hair at their homes without risking a stiff fine if caught. So, like men, many women went without getting their hair cut, styled, and colored. 

Perhaps the one thing Americans may have wanted immediately but couldn’t have was the chance to dine in at restaurants. We are a generation of “eater outers.” Governors closed restaurants to inside dining. Only drive-thrus and carry-outs were open. 

But wanting things immediately didn’t begin with COVID-19. I grew up long before the virus appeared and before people invented some of our present-day tech advancements. This didn’t keep me from wanting things immediately. Mom said money “burned a hole in my pocket.” When I decided I wanted something, I wanted it right then. But I couldn’t get things immediately or even within two to three days. I couldn’t order something from Wal-Mart (which wasn’t even around) and pick it up from the store the same day. Ordered things usually required waiting six to eight weeks. 

I’m not the only one with this want-it-now problem. I’ve known quite a few people who want what they want immediately. And if they have the money, they get it. I suppose Adam and Eve started the whole thing. They wanted what God told them not to eat, and they ate instantly when Satan offered it to them. 

Samson had the same problem. God set him apart to serve as one of Israel’s judges when everyone did what they considered right. Before taking that role, Samson showed his impatience. His immediate wants came in the form of women—in this case, a Philistine. A tribe God forbade the Israelites to intermarry with. Samson saw her and had to have her. Now. Although God worked through Samson’s misdeeds to accomplish his purpose for Samson—to conquer the Philistines—Samson’s want-it-now attitude often caused him problems. 

Samson struggled with patience, which I often struggle with. Patience might be a virtue, but it takes a lifetime to master it. I’ve discovered that aging, experience, and a lot of difficult times seem to help—none of which I particularly enjoy. Whether God sends the trials or merely allows them doesn’t really matter. The end result—patience—is the same if I respond properly. 

When we’re impatient, we make decisions without guidance, which generally leads us into trouble: debt, unhealthy relationships, and illegal activities. Seeking guidance from God and others takes time, but better experiences result.

A want-it-now attitude can be detrimental to us and others around us. But when we trust God for what we need in life and ask for his wisdom before making decisions, he’ll give us guidance that will ultimately teach us patience and give us a better life. 

Don’t let a want-it-now attitude destroy your happiness.

Father, help me trust you to give me what I need and to give it when I need it. 

Tweetable: What are you now willing to wait on? 

I invite you to try my newest book, Grits, Grace, and Grands, in eBook or paperback. If you are an editor who wants to hone your grammar skills or someone who just wants to improve your writing or speaking, this is the book for you. Click on the title above to order your copy. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.