Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Are You Leaving Behind? by Martin Wiles

I can’t take anything with me when I go, but I can leave some things that will last perpetually. 

My wife and I love to gather antiques and collectibles. Often during the week, you will find her in thrift stores, and frequently on Friday or Saturday you will find both of us at local auctions. We often joke that when we die our children will have a vast yard sale and sell our cache for nickels and dimes. Commonly what’s treasured by parents doesn’t hold the same value with their children. Everyone leaves something when they die; they must. But the tangible things I leave aren’t the most crucial. 

Paul knew his death was rapidly approaching. He compared his impending death to liquid poured from a bottle. As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. (II Timothy 4:6 NLT) Reading Paul’s story gives the impression he had little of this world’s goods to bequeath to any remaining family. Yet he would pass on something of giant proportions. 

During my lifetime, I’m attempting to build a good reputation—an example of godliness. My desire is that others will notice I love God with all my being, cherish my family, love others unselfishly, and try diligently to build God’s earthly Kingdom. Most of these I can carry into eternity, and I can leave all of them for others to sift through after I’m gone. 

And I trust that the few possessions I accumulate will remind those left behind of what was important to me. Books expounding on the Bible, books encouraging spiritual growth, books that can be used to teach others, family heirlooms, and overall not many possessions at all. All of this because family, spiritual growth, and teaching others are important endeavors. So is not focusing on accumulating numerous possessions I’ll abandon when I go.

When death overtakes you, what will you leave for others to ramble through?

Prayer: Eternal God, may we hold loosely the possessions we have choosing rather to store higher quality possessions in eternity. 

Martin N MichelleThanks to all our faithful followers who are "sharing" our posts--please keep it up! We also invite you to follow and like us on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter. Help us spread God's encouragement through his love lines.

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