But you followed God’s prearranged plan. With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to the cross and murdered him. Acts 2:23 NLT
He had a plan, and the plan produced marvelous results.
More than a decade ago, the school where I teach hired a new
headmaster. Attendance had languished, and it was time to do something or watch
attendance fade. The new headmaster had a plan, which led to an uptick in
enrollment. He introduced new technology, putting our school on the cutting
edge. He initiated new sports programs and elective classes. A new attitude of
excitement permeated the corridors.
Having a plan is essential in anything we do. Peter reminded
one crowd that God had a plan. They didn’t understand it. They couldn’t imagine
pagan Gentiles being a part of it or that it included a Messiah who would allow
himself to be beaten beyond recognition, ridiculed without responding, and
crucified without fighting back.
Yet, as God had a plan for Jesus, so he does for every
person. Our starting point in engaging God’s plan involves believing he has
one. We’re not accidents—people he didn’t see coming. He knew us before birth,
created us in our mothers’ wombs, and mapped out our lives’ courses.
Once we believe God has a plan, we must try to discover and
submit to it. God won’t force His plan on us but will willingly give us the
strength to pursue and accomplish it when we make the effort.
Recognizing it is God’s plan is essential. We’re the ones
it’s happening to, but it’s God’s plan. Trusting him for the power to see it
through is crucial. Otherwise, it will become our plan, and we’ll make a mess
of it every time.
We should also expect opposition. Most of the Jews opposed
God’s plan and demonstrated their opposition through unbelief in Jesus and by
eventually convincing the Roman authorities to crucify Him. Satan’s never
pleased when we follow God’s plan.
The good news is that we can expect success when we engage in
God’s plan. The success might look different than we imagine, but God’s success
often does. His success probably won’t result in wealth or worldwide fame, but
it will be the type of success he’ll honor.
Engage God’s plan instead of coming up with one of your own.
Father, give me the foresight to see your plan and then the
faith to follow it.
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