Monday, October 14, 2024

Friday Night Lights - Karen Huffaker


Friday night lights

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart. 

~Psalm 32:11 NASB

It’s fall, which means it’s time for football to return. Excitement and anticipation build as fans await the first game kickoff under the Friday night lights.

Cheerleaders serve breakfast for the players. Later, coaches prepare them mentally and physically and serve them a hearty meal beforehand.

Families gather, wearing their teams’ logos on clothing, gear, and accessories. And don’t forget the cowbells, pom pom shakers, and tailgate parties. The community comes to life after a lazy summer.

But do we do the same in our worship of God? At the games, there is gladness, shouting, joy, hand waiving, singing, swaying to the drum beats, clapping hands, and stomping feet. Our worship should incorporate these enthusiastic displays and expressions of emotion, whether in private or public.

When the school band marches onto the track, it reminds me of the hymn, We’re Marching to Zion. The psalmist said to be glad, rejoice, and shout for joy.

We don’t have to be shy, quiet, solemn, or embarrassed. Nor must we look sad or serious. We have every reason to be joyful and express our gladness for what our Savior has done. Jesus saved us. We have victory in Him. The game has already been won.

Let the overflow of your joy be evident to everyone around you.

Tweetable: Are you excited about worship? 

Karen Huffaker is a freelance Christian writer. She has taught children’s Sunday school and single mom’s Bible studies and written poetry. She is from the Deep South and loves reading Christian books, devotionals, genealogy adventures, fishing, and all things family. She is also passionate about her grandchildren’s sporting events. 

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