Friday, October 18, 2024

Deciphering Jesus - Martin Wiles

deciphering Jesus
He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet he did not sin. Hebrews 4:15 NLT

Whether Jesus could have sinned and, if so, how he could identify with us were theological discussions we preacher boys in training tossed around while in college as we tried to anticipate and formulate a good answer for similar questions others might ask. These two questions are still on the minds of many—particularly those in the teenage to young adult ages.

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, hold rather untraditional beliefs about Jesus. According to the Barna Group, while most Americans believe Jesus was God, 56% of Millennials are more likely to view him as a religious leader who committed sins just like everyone else. In fact, fewer than half of them admit they believe Jesus was God.

Millennials also struggle with believing Jesus is the only way to heaven. Fifty-six percent believe they will go to heaven because they committed to follow Jesus, but the group, as a whole, is less likely to believe that than their elders. In fact, twelve percent say they'll make heaven because they are basically good people.

Millennials aren't the first group in history to wonder about Jesus. His historicity isn't in question, but his divinity and what he accomplished are. First-century Christians had to explain this to those who didn't believe, to those who doubted, and to those who held mixed views.

When deciphering Jesus, believing he was born to a virgin is essential. The procreation process passes along our sinful nature. Had Jesus had an earthly father, he, too, would have inherited a sinful nature.

Further, Jesus was born, lived, and died sinless. This doesn't mean he can't identify with humans. He was tempted in the same areas we are and could have sinned, but didn't. Through God's power in him, he overcame.

Jesus was wholly human but also completely divine. He said whoever had seen him had seen the Father.

Jesus is also the only way to heaven. When we believe in him, we can be confident he forgives our sins and provides us with an eternity in heaven.

What we believe about Jesus is critical. He is God's sinless Son sent to pay our sin debt. Only by faith in him alone can we enter a relationship with God the Father.

Father, I believe in your Son as the sinless sacrifice sent to die for my sins. 

Tweetable: Who is Jesus to you? 

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