Monday, September 16, 2024

Why We’re Here - Martin Wiles

why we're here
Should I pray, “Father, save me from what lies ahead?” But that is the very reason why I came. John 12:27 NLT

Our reason for existence sometimes takes time to discover.

As a child, staying with my paternal grandparents was second nature. When I was pre-school age, my grandmother was my babysitter. I rode with her in her 1930s green Chevy and helped her ring doorbells—though I never heard her say, “Avon calling.”

One day--then in middle school--while sitting beside my grandmother, I confessed: “I think God wants me to be a Bible teacher.” I had accepted Christ several years before and now considered why God had placed me on earth. Although it took cascading through some years of rebellion, I finally succumbed to God’s will. Sure enough, I became a Bible teacher and a pastor. God’s plan for me has changed and developed, but I’m still reminded of when I discovered why God placed me here.

Though God, Jesus was also human and, like everyone, had to discover why he was on earth. We can’t be sure when the Father revealed that, but he did. The thought of the cross repulsed Jesus, but he knew it was why he was here.

Above all else, we’re here to glorify God. He created us, and our thoughts and actions should reflect him to others by their purity and holiness. Jesus said we should let our lights shine so that others can see him through us and glorify the Father in heaven.

We’re here to serve God. Beyond loving him with our entire being—which Jesus said was the greatest commandment--we’re to love and serve others. Jesus even went so far as to say that’s how we serve him. Sharing God’s love is vital to our walk with him. We share by telling why Jesus was here, showing the difference he can make in a person’s life, and giving ourselves to him and others.

We’re here to allow God to form us in Christ’s image. Sometimes, we don’t enjoy the avenues God chooses to do that, but bucking him won’t yield the results he wants. Submission and obedience will.

When we live out the reason God put us here, we’ll enjoy life and live it fully.

Father, thank you for creating me with purpose. Guide me to live out your plan for my life. 

Tweetable: Have you discovered why you are here? 

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