Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Freezing Out Temptation - Martin Wiles

freezing out temptation
Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. James 1:14 NLT

The humungous concrete trough begged us to place our parched toes in its tantalizing coolness.

Life on the farm was different every day. My cousin and I could find more adventures than we had time for. We sat around this particular day, thinking about what we could do. Where we sat was on a ledge just above a concrete trough filled with green water.

Running around barefoot wasn’t uncommon. Why not plunge our dirty, parched feet into this water? We did. Within a few days, I noticed a circle on my foot. When I showed it to Mom, she immediately took me to the doctor, who froze it. The stagnant water had produced ringworm.

While the freezing process was somewhat unpleasant, this infestation wasn’t as deadly as the one James speaks of. The sinful nature we’re born with leads us into temptations of various types and degrees and drags us into sinful activities and thoughts. Of course, Satan and his demonic hordes are involved, but we don’t need any help being bad.

Satan, however, often provides the stagnant water that draws our attention to areas we should avoid. With Eve, it was fruit from the one tree God told her and Adam to leave alone. For King Saul, it was a jealous spirit. With David, it was sexual lust. For the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, it was power and an attitude of spiritual superiority.

God, however, provides the strength to freeze out a pattern of sinful activity. We must put forth the effort. We know our nature and what our weaknesses are. Satan learns them and uses them to his advantage. When we live with a desire for holiness and purity, We’ll make a valid attempt to stay away from people and situations we know will pull us down and entice us to sin.

Even as a young boy, I probably had better sense than to put my feet in stagnant water—but I did it anyway. When we’re determined to live a holy lifestyle, we’ll depend on God to give us direction and stop us from putting our feet—and eyes and hands--where they don’t belong.

Let God help you freeze out temptation.

Father, remind me you will never let me be tempted beyond what I can bear with your help. 

Tweetable: Are you freezing out temptation? 

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