Wednesday, August 7, 2024

First Things First - Martin Wiles

first things first
On November 21, 2015, I experienced another first.

Firsts are important. On this day, two cousins brought a mahogany china cabinet to our home. The reason it was a first is not because it's the first one I've ever owned but because it was the first piece of furniture my mom ever bought with her money. She purchased it to hold China, which she planned to purchase as a part of setting up housekeeping with my dad.

But Uncle Sam called Dad. He and Mom would be going to Oklahoma. So, Mom gave the China cabinet to her sister for safekeeping because she had no room for it in Oklahoma. Somehow, my aunt never returned the cabinet to Mom.

Many years later, my aunt died, and her children, knowing the piece belonged to Mom, called to see if she wanted it. Having now remarried—and now possessing several more China cabinets—Mom told them she wanted it but to give it to me. My wife and I had less room than Mom, but not wanting to forego the chance to own a "first," we squeezed it in.

Knowing the human heart's tendency toward selfishness, Jesus spoke several times about firsts. When asked what the greatest commandment was, He said to put God first.

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind'" (Matthew 22:37 NIV).

On this occasion, Jesus corrected his disciples, who argued about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus said it was the one who was willing to serve.

My most important first was August 31, 1960—the day I sucked my first breath of outside air and entered this world. The second came nine years later—the day I recognized I was a sinner and needed Jesus' forgiveness.

Putting first things first entails recognizing our sinful bent, asking Jesus to forgive our sins, and committing our lives to him. With this first, other firsts will hold more value.

This first first should lead to a second first: humility. Jesus' disciples wanted to rule, but Jesus reminded them firstness came from serving, not lording. Pride gets us nowhere with God—or others. On the other hand, God praises humility—and others usually do, too.

Serving becomes much easier when we love God above all other people and things--adopt a servant mindset, although it might not appear we're first at all. Jesus says he will reward us if we offer a mere cup of cold water to someone in his name.  

Amid the many things that clamor for your attention, ask God to help you put first things first.

Father, as I set priorities in life, guide me to put first things first: You, my family, my church, and others.

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